W.A.Y. for the High School and College Students

In only three weeks in the summer, you can set up your high-schooler or college bound student with skills that will serve them for life!  Give them the advantage as they enter this critical stage with confidence in their:

  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Self-Esteem
  • Empowerment

Tools to Succeed

Give your teenager the tools to succeed in managing life outside the protection of your home. By leveraging Dr. Julia Harper’s proven methodology, this three-week W.A.Y. (What About Your…) group coaching session will help your young-adult to effectively manage their emotions and thoughts to find the most successful way to deal with challenges faced in the hallways, on campus and in their lives.

Backed by research-driven neuroscience, your adolescent will leave this session with the skills to effectively navigate every decision, from how to handle peer pressure with sex and drugs, to how to say no, to establishing personal goals, to how to stand up for the values of their home life, all while being able to have resilience in the face their challenges. 

Register Today!

Enroll your student for one of our small group sessions, where they will learn skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. These limited-seating sessions provide customized information for each age group, using current technology and delivered in an age-appropriate format:

Group I: The W.A.Y through High-School

Group II: The W.A.Y through College

Session Dates:

Sessions meet 2 times per week for 3 weeks.
This program is excellent for your typically developing high-school and college-aged student. It is a special summer program that is targeted to get your child the success they need to get through the next school year, the next transition and life!

Spaces are limited; however enrollment is open.

Contact us at programs@therapeeds.comm to get more information on dates and times of this life-changing program.